We have made some major upgrades in our new website which we believe you will fine useful and informative.
Our website is computer and mobile friendly. The computer version offers an easy to follow menu and, with the click of the Menu ‘Hamburger’ at the top of each page on your mobile phone, the same easy to follow menu is available for easy navigation!
Our updated Merchants Page will not only provide you with a printable map that you can print and bring with you to find your favorite Merchants, but also an online Guide that will let you click on a building you may be approaching as you walk through our Village and display the Merchant’s name, a photo of the building and some of the products they provide.
Be sure you check out our Upcoming Events page to see what events we have planned. We have decided that not to plan any new events until the weather is more predictable. Please check back for updates!
Do you like art? We have a dedicated page to display the Art work that has been done at the New Egypt Flea Market Village.
Be sure to visit our Photo Galleries! You can access the Photo Gallery Directory which will display the galleries we have available at this time. Check back here to see photos taken at our Events as well!
Also added to our new website is our Articles/News page. Here you will find posts of various articles and videos that pertain to the New Egypt Flea Market Village. Don’t miss out on the newspaper articles from 1968!